-The Middle School CDSE classes need volunteers on Fridays when they are doing service projects. The class times are from 8:15 - 11:35 for team 2, and 8:15 - 12:25for team 1 please email rpeterson@excelsior-academy.org
-The Library could use one volunteer on (every) Thursday and one on (every) Friday from 8-11:30 to help check in books, check out books and put books away. Those are our busiest days! Please email sroberts@excelsior-academy.org or pnesbitt@excelsior-academy.org
-I would like consistent voluteers Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays to provide assistance for the activity of the day and read a story at another area of the room. This would require two individuals per day. The times are fluid, depending upon how long Spalding takes. In a perfect world, it would be from 9:45 to 10:30, 3 15 minute stations. I may also need two from 2-2:45. This is for kindergarten, please email gorkiolla@excelsior-academy.org
-The music department is in need of empty paper towel or wrapping paper rolls and empty cereal boxes. Please email jgrogan@excelsior-academy.org or send them to school with your children.