Volunteer Opportunities!

The lunch room needs 1 or 2 families willing to launder a load of rags, mop heads, and aprons every week. They need to be done Wednesday night-returned Thursday morning, and Friday night-returned Monday morning. Anyone interested, please email Jodi Ericson jericson@excelsior-academy.org

Tooele City Library Display

For those of you who are interested our 6th grade students at Excelsior Academy have an Art Display set up at the Tooele City Library. If you have a minute stop by and see what they have done sometime before the end of February.

Box Tops Drawing

Our next Box Top Drawing ends on Feb. 23rd. Every scholar who enters 10 box tops will be given a small thank-you prize. Grand prizes are a Fuzion Nextsport Scooter, board games and card games. Thank-you for your support, every box top that is collected makes a difference.


-The Middle School CDSE classes need volunteers on Fridays when they are doing service projects. The class times are from 8:15 - 11:35 for team 2, and 8:15 - 12:25for team 1 please email rpeterson@excelsior-academy.org
-The Library could use one volunteer on (every) Thursday and one on (every) Friday from 8-11:30 to help check in books, check out books and put books away. Those are our busiest days! Please email sroberts@excelsior-academy.org or pnesbitt@excelsior-academy.org
-I would like consistent voluteers Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays to provide assistance for the activity of the day and read a story at another area of the room. This would require two individuals per day. The times are fluid, depending upon how long Spalding takes. In a perfect world, it would be from 9:45 to 10:30, 3 15 minute stations. I may also need two from 2-2:45. This is for kindergarten, please email gorkiolla@excelsior-academy.org
-The music department is in need of empty paper towel or wrapping paper rolls and empty cereal boxes. Please email jgrogan@excelsior-academy.org or send them to school with your children.

Volunteer Opportunities

We are in need of help with our upcoming Science Fair. Below are the dates and times that we will need help.
-February 11th 3-5 people to help set up from 8:00am to 9:30am
-February 16th 3-5 people to help set up after school from 3:30pm to 5:00pm
-We also are in need of as many long tables as possible to set up the projects for display anyone that would be willing to allow the school to use these would be greatly appreciated.

Please contact Ellen Parker at eparker@excelsior-academy.org if you are able to help in any way.


We need two people willing to run the Uniform Closet at the school one day a month for one hour after school. If you are interested in helping, please reply to this link to contact Anna Loertscher


Our second collection for Box Tops is Wed. Dec. 9th. This time we are having a drawing with great prizes. The grand prize is tickets to see the JAZZ play the Minnesota Timberwolves on Dec. 14th. Two scholars will win the grand prize and each will receive 4 JAZZ tickets. Submitting box tops is easy, each teacher has a folder in his/her classroom. For every 10 box tops you hand in you will get 1 entry. The more entries you submit the higher your chances are of winning! Be sure to include the scholars name and teachers name on every entry. We would like to thank everyone for taking the time to enter box tops. Your submissions do make a difference! For any questions regarding box tops e-mail Susan tagalongsue@wirelessbeehive.com

Volunteer Opportunity's

We are in need of volunteer's on a regular basis in the lunch room. If you are willing to help please contact Liz Wayman at elizwayman@gmail.com. Thank You!

We need volunteers that would be willing to come and pick up the bags of empty Capri Sun pouches, flaten them, cut off the tops and box them up to be mailed. If we can get four volnteers the need would be for one Friday a month and would take approximately 30 minutes. If you are interested please contact the Recycling committe under contact us. Thank You!

Books, Books, Books!

We are thrilled and AMAZED to see the final numbers from the book drive! We now have over 3,300 additional books! So…we are rather desperate for some volunteer help to get these wonderful books onto our shelves. We could use 4-8 people (am and pm) per day until the job is done. Whatever help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much! Please contact Sherry or Peggy in the library!


The administration is in need of a little help from a few parent volunteers. This work can be done from home if parents are willing to sign a confidentiality agreement and SIS use form. We need to have the attendance records for 650 students re-entered for Term 1. PLEASE CONTACT JON HAGEN AT jhagen@excelsior-academy.org for any questions or to volunteer! We appreciate your willingness to help!